- Augmented Reality demands a very resourceful Computer Vision engine backing it
- Detecting an image with precision and high speed is fundamental
- Thousands of images need to be processed in a fraction of a second to ensure smooth localization of the augmented object
- Powerful Artificial Intelligence Engines employing Unsupervised Machine Learning techniques can speed up the processing of thousands of images by clustering them according to similarity
- Computer Vision Engines are fine tuned for fast and accurate detection and redetection
- Advanced techniques like hashing are utilized to ensure versatility of the platform and to avoid duplicate images getting uploaded into the databases
- Accurate detection of the target image to be augmented, even when the image is rotated, flipped or blurred
- Unsupervised Machine Learning techniques enable fast detection of the target image from thousands of images by predicting the cluster the target belongs to
- Seamless tracking of the target image serves an impeccably immersive experience to the users